Obituary of Sr. Grace L. D'Amico, SSND
Sister Grace D’Amico, a member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, died at Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk Connecticut, on February 27, 2021. She was 75 years old.
After profession of vows in 1965, Sister Grace began a varied ministry as grade and high school teacher, guidance and college counselor, Director of Development for Wilton Province SSND, Director of Weekend College and Coordinator of Post-Masters Program at Notre Dame of Maryland University, and Associate Director of Educational Services for the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers. She served in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Wisconsin.
At the time of her death Sister Grace was residing in New Rochelle, NY, and serving as Coordinator for Board Development and Ministry Services for the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
Burial will take place at St. Mary Cemetery in Bethel, Connecticut, on March 5, attended by family, friends and some sisters at 11:45 am.
At 11:00, the community at Villa Notre Dame in Wilton will pray over the hearse with a farewell blessing. A Memorial Mass will be offered at the Villa at some time in the future.
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