The family of Bruce MacIntyre would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities.
Disabled American Veterans
Only with your support are we able to help more than 1 million veterans every year access the healthcare, disability, employment, education and financial benefits they have earned.
Your gift gives ill and injured veterans the opportunity to live a life with respect and dignity. Help change the lives of even more veterans in need with a donation to DAV today.
Who We Are
In the ninety-plus years since the Cornell's founded the firm, many aspects of the profession have changed, but it still remains a family owned and operated firm with its basic mission "To serve as we would be served."
Cornell Memorial Home
Brookfield Funeral Home
Quick Links
Cornell Memorial Home and Brookfield Funeral Home proudly serve the following communities: Danbury, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Sandy Hook, New Milford,
Newtown, Bethel, Ridgefield, Sherman, Southbury, Woodbury Connecticut