The family of Kevin Kruszynski would like you to consider placing a donation to one of the following charities.
NAPA Center Kids Foundation
All donations made to the NAPA Center Kids Foundation are tax deductable as a 501(c)(3) and will be used to make a difference in the lives of special needs children. Here are some of the ways your money will go to work for the kids:
Funding intensive or traditional therapy
Purchasing equipment
Sponsoring a child to attend a summer camp
Facilitation of parental support groups
Community outreach and educational programs
TAX ID # 46-4448658
Who We Are
In the ninety-plus years since the Cornell's founded the firm, many aspects of the profession have changed, but it still remains a family owned and operated firm with its basic mission "To serve as we would be served."
Cornell Memorial Home
Brookfield Funeral Home
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Cornell Memorial Home and Brookfield Funeral Home proudly serve the following communities: Danbury, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Sandy Hook, New Milford,
Newtown, Bethel, Ridgefield, Sherman, Southbury, Woodbury Connecticut